
A green skin walks the Sinfar realm...

With a predominantly greenish complexion, this orc has a bestial appearance accentuated by its prominent brow bones, pointed ears and sharp lower fangs protruding from its prognathic mouth. Without being a connoisseur of the orcish race, one notices that his heritage is a mixture between the barbarian tribes and probably a human, as his face is more symmetrical and pleasant than those of his fellow creatures with the same skin complexion. Of massive build, it can appear to be a stocky creature when crouching, however when the creature stands up and stretches to its full height, it is a powerful, athletic creature with prominent muscles that are surprisingly supple for those who get to touch them. His fingertips look like particularly dangerous claws, a physical feature that once again sets him apart from his kind. As well as the strange gleam in his eyes, which is not an impression, but the manifestation of a form of magic that inhabits him. What kind of magic, you may ask. It's easy to guess when you see the way he dresses, wearing only a loincloth, a kind of protection on his right arm that looks like a skilful crafting of leather and bone, like a carapace. His face is often adorned with a tribal, bony mask, which does not offer real protection but seems to be an important decoration for him, a possible trophy of an ancient hunt. While he wears several pieces of jewellery on his face and around his neck, some made of precious metals and gems, others with bones. You don't risk much to presume that you are in front of a being who lives in the heart of nature, called a shaman.

This is a long story...

He is charming, we are not talking about physical beauty, even if strangely his bestial nature and the human blood that runs through him make him attractive to some. He is charming in his way of speaking, a deep and suave voice, a calm way of talking with the desire to exchange ideas. The combination of strength and wisdom, taking time to make up his mind and considering his words almost all the time. A creature so wild and yet capable of intelligent and resonant discussion, a break between its appearance and its ability to socialise. Where does this creature come from? The main points are that he comes from Faerûn, from a region called the Great Dale, having grown up in the isolated groves of the forests of Lethyr and the Rawlinswood. His story is probably a fascinating subject, or maybe not, but to find out you'll have to ask...

Devoured by hunger...

Insatiable personality, he needs to learn, to understand, his desire for discovery is limitless. A trait that his appetite shares, capable of devouring entire banquets without having to force himself, he could be an incarnate devourer. A devouring hunger that characterises him and often drives him to look at people with an unhealthy interest, although he rarely acts on it, usually when someone has forced him to defend his life. What act? Cannibalism. Although the term is inaccurate, as he will take pleasure in tasting the flesh of any other species than his own, having no preference. And as he likes to say:
"A gourmet must educate his palate to many tastes".

Prideful monster...

He does not crave for conflict, but his Orc blood will most likely make him accept it more easily than other people. Replying to provocations without fear of consequences, although it is important to note that he will never provoke first. He is fearless, his mind can be too primitive when his pride is teased, accepting challenges even if he has to lose, he will never refuse a fight no matter what the outcome. Powerful, he is prideful, and like his kind, if one day the death comes it will be in battle. However, if he is spared, he will not show resentment; on the contrary, respectful of strength and anyone who resists or defeats him will gain his respect and could probably consider him a friend.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human