Lantern Archon

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-[Incorporeal]: This being has no physical form, therefore it cannot be interacted with except through magical influence. It is made entirely of light, and may appear as a slight or gentle shimmer, capable of bending light to disguise itself from all but the most observant.

- [Aura of Protection vs. Chaos]: Unquestionably Celestial in aura and nature, this being radiates positive energy and cool warmth. Around it the air seems ever comfortable, either cooling or warming to keep one just shy of sweating merely by being in it's general proximity. It is gentle and not invasive, as if suggesting one to have a sense of balance and peace. (5 foot aura).

(Aura is offensive/ tedious/invasive to evil and demonic creatures.)

-This creature acts as a herald and messenger for Noelle, the caretaker and keeper of The Morold Mountain Manor; it is generally known to be friendly to citizens of Sinifer City and can be found dispensing of crabs and rats as vermin control in the Waterfront and Slums.

      Morold Woods Celestial

Age: Undeterminable
Sex: Undeterminable (Masculine Voice)
Skin:  Made of Light and Holy Essence
Race: Lantern Archon
Build: 2' in Diameter Orb of Light
Personality: Joyful
Scent: Sunlight
True Seeing: Celestial Aura
Lore Origins: Planescape/Faerun/Sigil (Outsider)

Lantern archons appeared as spheres of soft, glowing light, about as bright as a torch, from about one to three feet in diameter. They bore no further ornamentation. It was impossible to extinguish their light without destroying them.

Lantern archons are the smallest and weakest of the archons. Manifestations of the Light domain, they glow about as brightly as a torch. Thousands of these floating orbs gather in great clouds above the mountains and cities of the upper planes, suffusing those places with a soft golden light and the faint sound of singing and laughter.

Lantern archons are very friendly and usually eager to give what assistance they can. However, their bodies are just gaseous globes, and they are much too weak to render material aid. A stray lantern archon will gladly serve alongside any adventuring party aligned with its cause.
While in service to mortals, it feels safest in a hooded or bullseye lantern, where it acts as the lantern's light source.

Teleportation: They can teleport anywhere they desired without a chance of failure.

Tongues/Telepathy: Like all Archon's, it can speak and understand all spoken languages.

Detect Evil: Lantern archons could detect the presence of evil and protect themselves from it.

Flight: Lantern Archons could not only hover but were fully capable of flight.

Immunities: Lantern Archons were immune to paralyzation, grappling, electricity, and charming. Mundane weapons have no effect, and if they are slain, they simply reform again within a day.

Ephemeral: They cannot wear or carry anything.

Illumination: The archon sheds a bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.

-Server Rules
-Red-lighting Non-kinks  ;)

-Server Rules
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human