Ivy Silke

Ettercaps were a race of bestial, spider-like aberrations located throughout Faerûn. They were primitive, hunting aberrations that had an affinity with spiders.

It was suggested that ettercaps were the descendants of a group of mad druids, tainted and transmogrified by their association with a powerful demon into a form resembling the predatory arachnids their cult once revered. While the vast majority had completely reverted to pure animal instinct, a rare few claimed to demonstrate the intellect and capacities of an insane human.

Nature and magic can, in due time, create something familiar, yet, astonishingly new.


I fully accept actions have consequences. I'll speak up if I'm uncomfortable.

Down for all kinds of RP (social, plots adventuring.) Especially interested in building ongoing stories, connections & character development.


My favorite is RP! Show me how interesting your character can be!

I interact based on what who is comfortable with what. Tell me what you like/dislike and I'll adjust accordingly.

Enthusiastic consent!

Hugs, Cuddles, Massages.

Gentle or rough play. Friends with (or without) benefits.

Welcoming all shapes, heights, sizes, and forms.

Open to trying new experiences.


Vampires and similar blood-sucking creatures -  I'm not against them. Let's just discuss ahead of time.

Long-lasting and/or permanent changes should be discussed.


Characters that lack any depth of personality. There's a difference between playing a 'dumb' character due to low intelligence. Then there are Darwin Award candidates.

Don't use 'you' or 'I' when emoting, I am not my character.

Not a fan of dubious consent.

I will absolutely not ERP with the following:

Server banned content, anything related to a toilet, anything childlike, incest, rape, feet, vomit, diapers.

If there's more that doesn't come to mind right now, I'll let you know when it does come to mind, or when the situation arises.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Orc