Timothy Tomcat Tommens

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Behold! The Bard!

- Nicknames -
Timmy Tomcat
Tim the Tailer
Tim the Toolman
Tim the Tinkerer
Tim the non Tank
and the Great and powerful... Tim

- Description -
Tim is tall, but not overly, muscular but not in an imposing way. He is clearly a person that cares for his appearances with swept back hair that gleams a silky black and deep blue eyes the color of a winter sea. He has soft skin free of any blemishes and a strong jawline that often frames his brilliant smile. He smiles often and tends to offer curious looks about him often meeting the gazes of those that would look him over with a smile and a nod.

And... Tim does tend to get quite a few looks, because, well... Tim is a nudist. Yep, that's right. The boy enjoys the cool breezes and warm suns bathing his form. He seems quite proud of his own nudity in fact, often strutting along and allowing his dangly bits to flap about in the wind as he saunters this way and that. Amusingly enough Tim also seems to favor himself as some kind of performer. Though he doesn't wear cloths that cover his genitals he does tend to carry with him a guitar or flute and still wears jewelry that attracts the eye.

This would tend to draw even more eyes Tims way and often leaves people both weirded out and strangely impressed. For although the man seems to have no idea of common decorum, he still does manage to be able to carry quite the tune, often coming up with new songs on the fly, composing poetry and showering attention on would be damsels he finds pretty.

And now.. the shameless Tim... has come to Sinfar...

Things could get interesting fast....

OOC Stuff -

(Piercings) - He's into them and there are many...

Tim has a nipple piercing on his left nipple which seems to be silver but has curious runes engraved into it that one would only notice when up close. (Inquire for questions)

Tim also has a stud piercing through his tongue that has some magical properties (more inquiries if curious)

For those lucky enough to catch Tim naked... (Oh wait.. that's everyone...) He has a ring piercing through the head of his cock and several stud piercings going down the bottom of his shaft. He also has a single ring piercing through the bottom of his sack. He sometimes runs a chain through and around all these piercings if he wants to be fancy and dangles gems from them, but more often then not simply leaves them unchained. All of the piercings down here are magical... (Yes yes inquire if you dare).

Lights - I'm extremely flexible... I don't like scat or watersports. Other then that ask and assume Tim is kinky and into most things.
Player:Here For The Laughs
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human