
Portrait Save
Height: 5' 2".
Skin: Smoky Black
Hair: Snow White
Eyes: Glowing Crimson Red
Bust: Triple D (Firm)
Physique: Juicy Bodied (Filled out with lean muscle)
Weight: 116 lbs (6 of which are from her breasts)
Gender: Full Female, No Changing.

    Shyntiara was born from the mating of a Drow devoted and a demon. She wasn't born with four arms like most of her kind while heavily keeping a Drow appearance, and also has no innate magical powers. What she lacked in strength and magical prowess, she made up for in extremely powerful hearing and spatial detection, speed, and cunning, plus a bit of wisdom.
    Deemed a failure by her mother, at the age of three, Shyntiara was thrown into the Underdark to die. At her age her brain shouldn't have been developed enough to understand enough about life to survive, but due to the great gift of her father's racial blessings, she preserved. Her immunities to poisons allowed her to forage and eat various mushrooms, plant life and other berries that may kill a normal being.  Her immunity to disease made it so the young girl could survive eating rats, other vermin, and generally anything that would normally be bad to eat raw without much of an issue. While she couldn't use magic herself, her connection to the Drow race gave her some level of spell resistance allowing her to survive run ins with Illithids, sometimes failing to stun her to abduct her since another blessing of her father's side was also immunity to mind effects, coming in handy in keeping her cool during times truly terrifying beings were about.
    As time passed, the hunted became the hunter, and Shyn grew able to kill foes she was not able to as she got older. After living long enough to survive to womanhood using her ability to hide and detect danger and strike at the right time, Shyntiara escaped the Underdark and made her way to the surface. She would be attacked upon sight by the surfacers for her obvious Drow race, and also because she had the appearance of a succubus almost. A passing real succubus happened to come along and blast the attackers with some death magic and gave her a smile. After talking for some time, the succubus talked Shyntiara into letting Illssender sport a cock and breed her, sensing she was a bit different and could have the genetic for making a great child. So she did, later on giving birth to Abigail Nightsinger, an abyssal reaper who was 75% demon and 25% Drow due to parents.
    As a token of appreciation for this, Illssender, the succubus in question, allows Shyntiara the right to use one of her pink haired submissives named Myria to fell foes, or use as however she pleases as if she were her own in Illssender's absence.

In the darkness be by fear consumed, hearts turn cold where naught ever blooms.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human