Yvonnel Soszvaenor

Tell friendly!

I have three very lovable, needy cats and an elderly parent. If I randomly go AFK, that's why.


Name: Yvonnel Soszvaenor (poisoned beauty, death's whisper)
Gender: Female
Age: 213 (Early 40's in human terms)
Height: 5'9''
Body: Lithe, lean with only a very small few "soft spots."


I fully accept actions have consequences. If Yvonnel is captured and sent to be tortured, go for it. For non-ERP, I'm open to playing along. I'll speak up if I'm uncomfortable.

Interested in all kinds of RP (social, plots adventuring.) Especially interested in building ongoing stories, connections & character development.


I interact based on who is comfortable with what. Tell me what you like/dislike and I'll adjust accordingly.


Yvonnel plays rough. She can be gentle if asked.  

Open to trying new experiences.

Yellow:  Vampires and similar blood-sucking creatures -  I'm not against them. Let's just discuss ahead of time.

Long-lasting and/or permanent changes should be discussed.


server banned content, anything related to a toilet.

If there's more that doesn't come to mind right now, I'll let you know when it does come to mind, or when the situation arises.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf