Liria Arias de La Cruz

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Name: Liria Arias de La Cruz* (Lee-ree-ah Ah-reeahs de La Crooth it's more or less how it's pronounced)
Race: Human, Vampire
Age: 27 Years
Real age: 67 Years
Height: 1,7m (5f 7in)
Gender: Female
Hair: Black, thick and soft to the touch
Eyes: Blue (With a red hue when she is really thirsty)
Skin: Pale
Lipstick: Red
Place of Birth: Nashkel, Amn (Forgotten Realms setting)
Scent: Usually...Recently sharpened/forged steel, she seems less concerned about her personal scent, but judging she doesn't sweat, one mostly finds the scents of whatever has been around her for enough time to leave mark on her or her clothes.

Despite her pale skin and her blue eyes, Liria is far from showing the pale, icy statuesque image other vampires tend to give. In fact, she can be easily mistaken for a common human if one doesn't pay attention to the fact that she doesn't breathes anymore, or she is somewhat cold to the touch.

*Etimology: Liria is the female form of the flower Lily in Spanish (language that distinguishes in genders for almost everything). The male form would be just "lirio". Arias is a common surname in Spain, coming from medieval times, it was quite popular in the north-west part of the Iberian Peninsula, and spreaded from there.
de La Cruz is another common surname, it literally means "of The Cross", it is obvious that it has religious origins, but it may come from a placed named The Cross as well; it was common to say someone came from an area, to the point it may became a surname after all.

The order then is: Name+Surname(Father)+Surname(Mother)
I made this clear because some people thought "Liria" was something like "Lady", when Liria is in fact her name. If one wishes to call Liria "lady" in her language she will be called "Doña Liria Arias de La Cruz". Doña: (Doh-niah)
Doña is the female form of Don, a Spanish title prefixed to a forename. It is common to use the Prefix along the first Surname to refer to someone, specially while being at school or during militar service. Doña Arias will be the result of this.

Read somewhere Amn could be easily some interpretation of Spain and Portugal during the colonial times that took on the 16th Century (Amn is after all the first nation to start a colony in Maztica, the Forgotten Realms interpretation of "America"), so I gave Liria that spanish name and background. She isn't fond of using words or phrases in her native tongue, but here's a guide just in case, someday, I happen to use them:

Bravo: Well done! good for you!
Olé: Same as above, but specially focused on bullfighting.
Y un rabo de toro: By no means, no way!
Coser y cantar: Piece of cake
Buen provecho: Bon Appetit! Something you say before eating.
Pan comido: An easy task
¡Qué cara!: What a cheek!
Estás de broma: You're kidding

Lights: Ask. Usual noes are: cervical penetration/busting and watersports.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human