Thomas Garrent

Tell friendly!

I have a very lovable, needy cat and an elderly parent. If I randomly go AFK, that's why.


Everwatch Knight of Helm

Work In Progress

The man's body is a patchwork of scars, bites, and broken bones that have since recovered. More than a few occasion 'dips' in his flesh can be seen. His body is toned to peak athleticism from decades of training.


Green: RP, Romance, relationships. Hugs, Cuddles, Petting, Friends with (or without) benefits. Massages. Vanilla, Wildness & Passion, Tenderness, Very light bondage. Oral. Anal. Marshmallow Hell. Welcoming all shapes, heights, and sizes and forms.

Open to trying new experiences,

Yellow:  Vampires and similar blood sucking creatures -  I'm not against them. Let's just discuss ahead of time.

Long lasting and/or permanent changes should be discussed.

Red, I will absolutely not ERP with the following:

server banned content, anything related to a toilet, anything Lolita, rape, feet, vomit, diapers, blood/gore
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human