Charissa Dreamstride

     ----Charissa Dreamstride Bio-----

Height - 6'2"
Weight - 500 (Weirdly Heavy)
Shape - Buxom and Curvy
Skin - Snowy Blue
Eyes - Seafoam green
Hair - Snow
Sex - Dual Gendered (Packen heat x2)

Do you believe in magic? Doesn't Matter Nay! Upon Rivers of blood upon rivers and sorrows the damned are judged and slaughtered upon the sounds luscious screams the pain of desires splatted across stone and earth Alike.. Bleeding low like the drying hope of sins and slights once indulgent now pure once bitter now sweet like summer rain.. Nay nay oh Nay I say! Why don't you come and play I'll make your rainbows sparkle to day, yo mind you didn't need it anyways.. It's been to long dance  dance again upon hooves and sparkles! It's magic, magic i say The blood blood flows night and say come one come all dance with me and sing the best song till the end of everything! Nay, nay nay come, come play! I'll give you desires you seek today!


Whites: My Merrymaker!

Greens: Plowing and being plowed! Women and the like! Or a nice big stud will for a reach around.

Yellows: Ugly things that turn rainbows up side down.

Red: That nasty stuff everyone hates and you should to!

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human