
"Dryn" is on the short end of the measuring stick.  By all rights, she appears elven, mostly. Yes, her eyes are too slanted and maybe her ears are too long. She is curvier than most elves. Of questionable origins and questionable morals, the whimsical creature lives usually in an affable mood but time to time vacations on the rainy side of fury.

She moves like Samba swaying to-fro, and smiles like a song you knew.  You've forgotten the words but they're there on the tip of your tongue.  Her laugher bubbles nearly as well as her ass, round and bouncing the both of them.

She is silliness that sways its hips.
She is laughterand that bounces on the balls of its feet.
She is forest. She is trees.  She is wind.  She is leaves. But most of all, she is Dryn. And that is something.

Player:Lambent Llamas
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf