Yue Mitexi Namid

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"All life is suffering. The only way out of suffering is the Middle Way." This is what we are all taught from a young age. Balance...so fragile and delicate always hanging in such. So easily can one teeter to one side or the other. This is not untrue for any of our kind; no matter the tribe whose blood runs through their veins nor what moon they were born beneath. For us, the "ghost moons", the situation is even more precarious. We are at more of a risk of losing our minds compared with our brothers and sisters born under any other lunar phase. We are the keepers of the lore, the catalogers of all of our ancient magic, the mouthpieces that communicate with the life that exists beyond us. Yet, some of us get lost in these deepest, darkest of riddles; buried beneath countless layers of questions without answers. Some have been known to have their very minds destroyed by such. It is for this reason I try to spend as much time as the wolf that I do as the woman. It has been my experience that the black wolf often views things in a different manner and with a different perspective, much to my benefit. A wisdom that at times comes from the worldview of a Garou is no balanced wisdom if one cannot equally exist in the worlds of both the Wyld and Weaver. Further, one could never act as guardian against the ever growing influence of the Wyrm without such rooted within a harmonious place. However, if one is to fight to bring these three entities back into alignment for Gaia's sake, so too must we be able to maintain the alignment within ourselves. The human, the wolf, the blending of the two...one cannot hope to fulfill their role as the protectors of Gaia and battle to retain balance if they themselves cannot do so within their own being.

Physically, the woman is rather pleasant to look upon with a soft and youthful countenance appearing to be in her late teens. The silver-gray hues of her thick, silken, shoulder-length hair however are an often misconceived sign of the years she's lived. Her features bear pouty lips with a rose pink hue, high cheekbones, a slightly upturned nose, and most striking being her wide, dusk-blue eyes. At 5'3" tall, her curvy figure supports muscular legs, the obvious flare of feminine hips designed for child-bearing, and a full, toned arse with a shape that would make you think she ran everywhere she went. Her bosom just as curvaceous and feminine with C-cup breasts atop a flat, tapered waist giving the woman an hourglass figure. Her body is covered in flawless skin, far as one can tell when she is clothed, with a complexion that is not fair nor tanned as though the color lie somewhere between. Her nails always kept clean and filed though devoid of any polish though her eyes always have colored shadows lining them. She appears to favor subtle hues of light silvers, muted whites, and dark blacks and is usually dress in sturdy, well-made clothing of a variety of materials that allows for both ease of movement as well as comfort. She also can be seen frequently adorned with tribal looking earrings in her lobes and a couple of crow-black feathers in her hair. One might quickly pick up on the fact she is of mixed heritage if not by appearance alone, then once hearing her voice for certain. Her thickly accented, alto voice would lead one to quickly ascertain she most assuredly is not from these lands. Despite her seemingly younger age, she often speaks with the wisdom of sages and the patience of shamans. She presents the vibe of a being of true tranquility, serenity, harmony; seeming quite comfortable in all manner of existence, highly adaptable. Yet there is a vitality and vigor about her that is wild, almost primal. Though appearing human, the woman scents of animalistic musk not obvious outside of close quarters to those not keen of scent. Those that are might find themselves picking up on something else altogether...

"Sacred Moon Star Dancer"


Far as lights go simple, RP it out and I'll speak up if it's headed toward something I'm not kosher with. I expect the same courtesy. I'm down to take things to dice rolls if need be.

Character is based off the World of Darkness setting. Character is in actuality a Garou of the nearly forgotten Stargazer tribe (no meta-gaming this as it is not obvious), approximately 19 years of age, and is a homid-born Theurge. Abilities are as follows:


This is the Gift that allows a Garou to become more persuasive when dealing with others, in such a way that his statements and arguments are imbued with added meaning or credibility. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
~Mother's Touch~
This is the Gift that allows the Garou to be able to heal the wounds of any living creature, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself, spirits or the undead with this Gift. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift.
~Spirit Skin~
This is the Gift that allows the Garou to blend when traveling within the Umbra. Generally, spirits are fairly friendly to Garou, at least ones that aren't automatically hostile to anything. That doesn't mean, however, that they treat a Garou exactly the same as they treat other spirits, and that's where this Gift comes in handy. By activating it within the Umbra, the Theurge disguises herself as a spirit (usually a wolf spirit) to all concerned. She still physically looks exactly like her Lupus form, she simply gives the impression of a spirit rather than Garou. Some Theurge have also used the Gift to throw off pursuit by hiding in a pack of wolf spirits. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
~Sense Wyrm~
This is the Gift in which the werewolf can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although werewolves using the Gift sometimes say things like, "This place stinks of the Wyrm" (with a few more colorful adjectives). Garou should remember that the Wyrm's taint can cling to relatively blameless souls. Werewolves may sense an innocent person who happens to work in a Wyrm-controlled factory or who has eaten tainted food. This power requires active concentration. Any spirit of Gaia may teach this Gift.
~Inner Light~
The Stargazer can step sideways into the Umbra using only his own inner light; he has no need of a reflection or bright light to guide him. This Gift is taught by an Epiphling of Truth.


~Acute Senses~
This is the merit in which the Garou have exceptionally sharp hearing, smell, vision, or taste.
~Poison Resistance~
This is the merit in which the Garou, for some reason or another, has become resistant to poisons. It could be that the Garou is somehow naturally resistant, or that they have spent years building up their resistance against all known types of poisons.
~Natural Channel~
This is the merit in which Garou find the Gauntlet between worlds thinner than most Garou do. Difficulty to step sideways is reduced, and spirits react a bit more favorably to the Garou. Even if a Garou isn't a Theurge, they won't find it difficult to obtain training from the Garou shamans.
~Animal Musk~
This is the flaw causing the Garou to smell like an animal even in Homid form. This scent does not bother wolves, only humans in a situation where your smell is obvious (indoors, at a party; but not at a dump, etc).
~Sadism and Masochism~
This is the flaw in which the Garou is excited either by causing pain and/or receiving it. In many situations, one will seek either to be hurt or hurt someone for their pleasure. For a masochist, one is less likely to absorb or resist harm because you really want to feel the pain. A sadist on the other hand my find it difficult to stop combat depending on how much they are into the attack and how much they are enjoying hurting the other person. In either case, if one fails to resist this fetish, they are so caught up in the event that they are unaware of anything else happening around them.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human