Deli Detkathis

A young Kilrathi, she was but a kitten when her world was distroyed.  An alien found her and caged her thinking to make good coin from such an endangered species.  Before he could find a buyer, his ship crash landed and Deli escaped the wreckage.

She was too young to know much of anything of her world and too young to understand what happened.  She was just a frightened kitten is a strange world.  Yet she was Kilrathi.

Years passed.  She learned how to find shelter, how to hunt, how to survive.  Still very skittish of the unknown but too curious for her own good, she pushed the bounderies of her territory.

That she is highly inteligent, one need but look in her eyes.  However, she had no teachers.  No one to teach her to speak, no one to teach her social graces.  When she found her way to the areas populated with other senteint beings, the survival instinct of caution held her back to watch, observe and learn.  These creatures communicated.  It took a while, but she learned to understand some of the sounds.  Speaking though is still beyond her.

Curiosity Is an extremely strong driving force in her kind.  She's observed from a distance long enough.  To her it's time to get a closer look...
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf