Dede Smith

Dietrie Selimon

She was sold as a babe for her parents debts, passed hands many times those first years until she managed to be picked up by a monestary.  She grew up among cold austere walls with the quiet monks.  As she grew older, she cleaned, gardened, mended and washed clothes, anything she could manage as everyone worked from dawn to dusk.  She listened  to their prayers, watched their practice, though she wan't allowed to participate.

When she was around 10 years old, a few novices had cornered her and were tormenting her for sport.  They has practice staves, she was unarmed.  However, even though she wan't allowed to train, she watched.  There were three boys, ages ranging from 11 to 13.  The commotion brought the attention of Father Matthew.  When he got there, he found all three boys on the floor, the bruises on Dede, her torn robe, her bucket and cleaning swabs scattered, and the bruises on all of the boys, painted a clear picture of what had happened.  

Brother Mathew trained Dede in secret after that.  Their order only taught males, but what he saw in her, he knew was very special.  The three boys were severly beaten for what they'd done and never forgot.  They didn't know Dede was being trained, to all outward appearances, she was just the cleaning girl.  

Something happened years later, possibly the boys, possibly she was caught practicing their arts.  Whatever happened, she fled the monestary.  

Years more have past.  Dede is 18 now and her travels brought her to these islands.  She's still a quiet girl.  Stand-off-ish, though kind.  She doesn't know her real name, has no knowledge of her real parents nor what happened to them, nor what happened to her as a babe.  She was always called Dede.  She took the sir-name of Smith just to have a name.

She has now grown into a young woman.  At 5'4" tall, slim tonned build.  Blue-green eyes and a face framed by pale blonde hair.


God modding, perma anything, Wam-bam-TY-Mam. Those who are endowed enough to make horses jelous...   I love RPing.  If all you want is erp, there are plenty to satisfy you.  

Almost anything with RP.  Letting me bring Dede alive for you, having you bring your character alive for me.  Almost anything with rp goes.  We're here to have fun and I promiss to do my best to make you laugh and have fun too.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human