Enya Shakujii

I'm tell-friendly and walk-up friendly.

Name: Shakujii En'ya (Enya is the given name). Often just goes by "Monkey."
Race: Hóumó - Monkey Demon
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: Roughly 400 pounds, without magic - but she prefers to be lighter.
Eyes: Smoldering red-orange, faintly glowing
Hair: Auburn
Skin: Tan
Build: Slight of frame, save for wide hips, but with added bulk from muscle and fat. Exceptionally athletic, but not perfectly chiseled, with not-insubstatantial fat left on her body - mostly concentrated around her chest, hips, and thighs, which jiggle slightly as she moves. Firm, toned musculature, covered by a thin layer of soft, fatty tisuee that adds a little bounce and jiggle to her movements and softness to her skin. The physique of someone who trains a lot and eats slightly more.
Voice: Mezzo-Soprano, slightly rough; Loud and boisterous; Often talks fast; Very plain and direct, unless she's trying to make a joke
Orientation: Pansexual
Preferred Role: Switch. Leans sub, but doesn't admit it.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Interests: Fighting; Competitions and challenges; Strong alcohol; Gambling; Fighting; Casual sex, especially following fighting; Magical items (cares more about "interesting" than "valuable"); Practical jokes;


(( WIP ))


Extreme Gore in ERP, Scat, Watersports

Anything Permanent

Anything Else

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human