Lulla L. Feinor

Hair: Blonde
Ayes: Blue
Figure: Busty and boobly butted!

The voluptuous blonde daughter of Nord from Icenfar and Imperial man from Aglon was ample in every feminine way. Her wide childbearing hips rock with her confident stride, her shoulders high and level as those heavy hanging, enticingly G-cup breasts would swing pendulously. Capped by dark, course and well traveled areolas  tipped with her thick pierced nipples, he barbells piercing the hard peaks did nothing to stop the slow flow of her addictive and sweet smelling cream. The bountiful heart-shaped ass of this farmhand would wobble with every practiced step, the puffy mound of her sex clearly visible peeking from between her thick comforting thighs. A hot and slimy mound ever excited as it quivers at the slightest breeze Her engorged clit pierced by an ornate ramhorn barbell would arc with energy snaking up her figure, the fat fleshy folds of her sex fluttering with want. Any who found themselves past those inviting gates would find an altered, tight purplish pink core ceaselessly molding and suckling at them for more. Most obscene was between those heavy ass cheeks.*

The barbells piercing the hard peaks did nothing to stop the slow flow of her addictive and sweet smelling cream. The bountiful heart shaped ass of this girl would wobble with every practiced step, the puffy mound of her sex clearly visible peeking from between her thick comforting thighs. A hot and slimy mound ever excited as it quivers at the slightest breeze.

A vaguely normal pucker at first glance, in her excitement the ridges of that tight ring would blossom outwards into a perverse violet flower of fleshy tendrils, daring any to take a taste as her rear entrance would dance, fawning and pouting to any lustful organ pained for a tight sleeve to slip into.

Lullas face was almost cherubic and innocent by contrast, her deep dark blue eyes honest if a bit vacant above her small slightly upturned nose adrned with a bullnose ring. Her lips were flush and pouting but often in a grateful smile, her bovine blood apparent by the  small knobs poking from her straw blonde hair.

*The Aura of Sharess this aura forming a pink hello would be felt like warm of hearth by all living things, but if you roll Willpower check and fail DC 30 roll you would also feel more... carnal lust and if you roll really bad like 1 urge to mate this beautiful favored soul of Sharess*

*Across Lullas's collarbone the phrase "Fall In Lust" is painted in a golden, shimmering ink that would fade  into  a barely visible state. The radiant tattoos only visible when Sunny was in a heightened state of joy or arousal. The Upside down red and black heart tattoo above her cleavage was flanked by spread wings of the same some times invisible golden ink.**

*The gold and platinum ring i shaped more like a thick tag, the Bold "U; shape of the metal  hanging like a door knocker by that swollen clitoris.

Her arms wreathed with feather patterns blooming like flowers from her shoulders to the tips of her fingers, granted the young angel a greater connection to the earth. She'd find contact with her fingertips would grant her a subtle insight to what she holds in her grasp. Printed over the girl's pale, shapely legs, a pattern of golden wave lines run up from ankle to hip coiling around her calves and thighs. The runic markings of the sylphs blessing her with fleetness of foot.  On those small, demure heels, the girl flaunted small blood red Kiss Marks upon each foot just above her wiggling toes.

*The girl's button nose, slightly upturned carries the thick  hoop piercing of a bovine. It jingles faintly above her bee stung lips, the shimmering silver marked with rose patterns and laurels. The weighty piercing made it harder for the girl to talk, her voice slightly nasally at times, the thick ring slapping at  her plump upper lip.

*Finely worked gold Torque with two recognizable symbols at the ends such as a fairy and a crown, recognizing this girl as a member and servant of the Feinor family.*

*Above the blonde's ass, spread across her broad hips, the girl proudly flaunts ink of an anchor. The sea crusted ship anchor's sharp pointed tips sweep upwards and curve into a semi -heart shaped symbol. At the very center of her lower back over the art of the rusted anchor, Crimson Lips slightly parted to reveal sharp feline fangs would pulse with a low heat.

Reds: Poop, gore, pedo OOC Drama.

Greens: Males of every size, adventure, romance, naughty scenes, Good RP and fun above all.
Player:Lupa Capitolina
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human