
Angels were celestials that hailed from the upper planes; powerful entities of light ang good, traditional enemies of all manner of fiends and often served as proxies of the divine powers. Lyralei was no different. Viewing herself as an extension of The Triad's will, the aasimon was sent to the Material Plane with every intention of spreading the virtues of her Gods.

Lyralei possessed looks that were considered sublime even among her own kind, bolstered by a posture and bearing that radiated her unfailing conviction and confidence. Often she kept her wings hidden, finding that it made her appearance less daunting to mortals whom she was tasked with protecting, yet the golden eyes and lustrous, silver tresses gave away the Light in her blood, conveying to all that this was no mere human.

Like most angels, Lyralei had a propensity for goodness, and was lawful to a fault. Well-meaning mortals enjoyed warm and soothing compassion and kindness from the celestial, yet those judged dark of heart - not to mention fiends - were met with fury and hatred as blinding as the sun. It is a fire of youth, yet to be tempered by age, for while Lyralei is as immortal as any of her kin, even they have ages, and hers is young.


My main interests are in dub-con, conflicted, and forbidden encounters, while being pressured to acting as an active sub. Guilt and shame are two emotions I highly enjoy dominating a scene. Slow fellatio, cock and ball worship are adored, and as for penetration I prefer slow and painful attempts due to size difficulties. The favored doms are the crass and vulgar ones, and obviously fiends are on the top of the list. Out of all my kinks, I'd say oral fixation with heavy ball and cock worship are the things I'm drawn to the most, alongside extreme dirty, abusive, vulgar talk.

Just to reiterate, while I enjoy playing with all manner of fiends, the obscenely  vulgar and deranged types tend to attract me more than the smooth seductresses.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human