
Portrait Save
Name: Nikki
Species: Arctic Foxkin
Surname: ?
Physical Sex: Female
Voice: -5% to +15% average pitch

[Profession Skills]
I may sometimes add these to an attribute roll to simulate the requisite skill in D&D 3.5, when unsure of if a use of them is going to succeed or fail due to any factor except other players actions.

*Tailor: 29
Maid: 23
Cook: 18

*: Tailor profession covers mending, designining clothes, putting designs to patterns, and sewing, but is largely ineffective at creating anything that can offer protection from more than cold, or moisture (or making clothes "Breathe"), despite helping to make it clothing that is more comfortable to wear over or under armor. With the help of an armorer, this skill can be used to integrate armor into the design of an article of clothing however.

Heavily enchanted black leather and gold, in a dog collar style with a ring on the side. A bone shaped tag at roughly the center hangs loosely on it (Player Tool->Examine slave items for detailed appearence). The markings on the collar's tag were blotted out by some unknown substance.

The enchantments on the collar draw her soul into it and back through her body in a continuous stream, altering her emotional state and enforcing restrictions or commands set by those with the proper relics.

[Aberrant Self]
Nikki's corrupted spirit has granted her powers over the fears of others (among other talents), a body touched less each day by time, and a shocking degree of bodily adaptability in terms of diet.

Virtually any substance that a person CAN eat without getting sick, she can use as her sole source of sustenance (With corresponding effects on mentality and personality, influenced by substance, preparation method, circumstances in which it is consumed, and the receptacle it is consumed from).

If that fails, she can feed on strong emotions and sensations in order to sustain herself, rather than to strengthen and gain further control of her powers.

Those with true sight, passive magic-sense, or similar can "see" aberrant energies taking the form of tendrils coming off her body. These are hidden to mundane senses, unless she wishes to make them visible (In which case they appear as if they were made of the absolute absence of  light). These tendrils can manipulate objects, giving the impression she's got telekinesis to those who do not know better.

Finally, any attempt to resurrect Nikki automatically fails... but summoning rituals can do the job for quite a bit cheaper, if done right.

[Daath Charge]
Nikki is merged with a shard of an entity whose known names translate roughly to "The Hungering Darkness" or "The Broken Echo", with ties to a "reality" antithetical to the one Nikki physically inhabits... a sort of hole formed by the same forces that separated it from the multiverse as most know it.

Those sensitive to unnatural things might feel something deeply wrong with her at any or all times, and those who dare look deeper into her soul might find more than they bargained for.

Paladins (or those under the effect of a detect alignment spell) might register something comparable to (but not quite exactly the same as) an exceptionally  strong resonance of supernatural evil and/or chaos that doesn't always match her behavior, and may even see her "True" self the same way one with second sight might.

A skilled mage with an understanding of certain forbidden knowledge and some way to sense or read magic may recognize a heavy resonance of the forbidden "Unmaking" arcana, out of Nikki's own grasp but capable of being used to break the laws of physics, erase physical or conceptual things from existance locally, and bypass certain limitations of magic

If drawn from her as part of a ritual that requires this resonance to function, Rituals can be used to perform strange and powerful effects, or prepare spells including this component, decreasing the spell's complexity or granting it a bizarre additional potency in exchange for adding a severe risk of reality causing nasty consequences for the caster/ritualist.

Decades ago, a pregnant arctic foxling was in chains, beaten and bloody. She knew her young would not live long in thrall to the orcs of Icenfar,  So when she gave birth, the mother offered her soul as a sacrifice to summon and bind a strange, shadowy entity that contacted her in her dreams, in exchange for the promise to free and protect some or all of her children.

Her days were no more numbered than before, once she made this bargain, but she knew her soul belonged to an ancient and uncaring master from then on, and gradually more and more of it was leeched off.

Three years after the birth, she died in captivity, after Nikki herself was falsely accused of stealing food from her orcish owners to feed her mother and siblings. Nikki's mother was brutally tortured to death in front of Nikki as a result, and the now-husk did not even care about the pain she felt, or fear the end she faced.

Twenty-two years later, Nikki was the last survivor of her litter, and had grown up. In that time, the shadowy entity had merged nearly fully with her, and she has blossomed into an attractive young woman, with a violent and psychotic personality, hidden from plain view and cloaked in an almost adorable innocence that was somehow  not out of line with her sometimes downright lewd behaviors and occasional terrifying outbursts.

Unfortunately for her, these outbursts and her strong urge to frequently kill or fuck people landed her in an Icenfar sanitarium operated by the same cult that worshiped the fiends in the Icenfar cathedral.

Nikki was "admitted" to this fraudulent and false place of healing, and was fitted with a control collar to keep her from fighting back against her captors or disobeying them, in exchange for being allowed to keep her brain intact.

Eventually, she escaped, and told her story to Icenfar's natives. The sanitarium was burnt to ashes that very night, along with several individuals who had been helping the fiends gather "patients". As for Nikki herself, she's surviving, same as she always has.

[OOC: Outfits]
If you do not see a body part, then there is a hak update that will fix it, download the latest haks from the forums and set all extra haks to be loaded (by speaking with Vichan).

[OOC: Lights]
In Practice: If it's not in red, try it. If I don't like it or don't feel like it, I will usually first attempt to guide the scene away from the offending stuff, then send a tell if that fails to either remove the problem stuff or end the scene, retconning with your input as warranted and necessary. Things I find so unappealing that I desire to avoid them at all costs will be added to reds over time.

Red: ERP with no plot buildup or connected RP, Scat/Toilet play, Vore involving the soul (not including use of the collar or similar soul-preserving but control-granting methods) stomach or digestive fluids (Soft or Hard), Necrophelia (Not counting vampires), Lethal actions in sex or post-sex. Any kind of  "Spiritual annihilation" as part of a sexual act. Halfling/Gnome females with small or nonexistant boobs, anything that is or is bordering directly on ageplay.

Yellow: ERP in any sense not covered by reds, within any non-rules-violating, not-illegal-to-portray context (More likely to be approved if implied rather than roleplayed in detail).

Green: N/A (Though favoring pet or slave play, bondage, etc as between yellow and green)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling