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     {Linnea & Ziva}


Age : Early 30s
Height : 5'5"
Weight : 122 lbs.
Race : Possessed Human
Hair Color : Variating Pastel Colours
Eye Color : Violet
Physique : Athletic
Bosom : C
Gender: Female
Sexuality : Bi (male pref)
Disposition: Switch


Cheerful and bright, not only in personality but also her style. Pastel purple hair, violet eyes and her lipstick matching were a clear indicator for her favourite colour, her scent reminiscing of a violet would be no surprise. Freckled cheeks, lush lips that carried an enticing smile, she seemed quite gentle and harmless.

Soft pinkish skin covered the curves of the woman. She certainly wasn't out of shape and was often seen wearing attires to accentuate what she had to offer. The more perceptive, or perverted would notice a distinct lack of a bulge, where as the more curious and inquisitive could notice her often carrying self-improvement books.

What managed to ruin the harmony was the odd left arm of her. From the elbow down it was covered in rich, black fur and the slender digits ended in sharp, red claws. She never made much a secret nor tried to hide it anymore. Not even the vicious little glimmer that seemed to haunt her gaze on occasion.

     {RP Notes}

25 Spellcraft:
You can tell Linn is enchanted from head to toe. Arcane energy bristles around her.
50 Spellcraft:
You can tell that the only actual item she is wearing is her choker, it seems a great source of power.

25 Lore:
You may have heard of Linnea, a flamboyant sorceress able to control nature itself.
50 Lore:
You have likely hear rumours about a sorceress that lost her arm, to her own familiar.

25 Spot:
It seems that her furred arm is unaffected by magic, benign and malign alike.

25 Listen:
Even when speaking casually, you can often hear a little growl within her otherwise soft voice.

     {OOC Notes}

- PvP/Dice rolls
 I like neither. I love RP conflict, but I prefer to keep it in RP, with people that can roleplay their character realistically. If neither side is able to, I prefer to avoid it altogether

- Drama/Relationships
 I love drama, as long as it stays IC. I do not want OOC drama and I will very quickly stop interacting with you if you bring it my way. I am not interested in relationships, neither IC nor OOC. Linnea will always be a free spirit. Please do not be clingy

- eRP/Text length
 While I enjoy to RP with anyone regardless of their ability to express themselves in English, when it comes to ERP I can be a little demanding and pretty much exclusively prefer people able to write long, detailed posts via webclient.

- Main acc:
 memento vivere

- Song:
 Karliene - Become the Beast
Player:the girl who moaned woof
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human