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Excalibur...the name fires the imagination
Sparking tales of chivalrous deeds
and fierce battles for honour and glory

But that's not the sword she lugs around...
She took hers from an Ork in a fair fight
Fair for her-she shot it in the back...twice
She's not much good with a sword anyway
But she IS a deadly shot...
Especially in the dark...with a silencer

Nothing special to look at, not at all
She seems human...ish, sort of, a little
Maybe a bit of an elven face, maybe...
Nevermind the horns, or the tail
Or that thing she does with her skin

4'11" in her bare feet, taller in heels
Long dark hair, kept in a simple braid
Faintly olive skin...most often, usually
Dresses smartly in heels or high boots

In the unlikely event anyone spotted her
wearing tight leathers roaming in the dark
and drifting from doorway to alley
like a flickering shadow on the breeze
You'd swear you could hear a little song

"We are stealthy killers,
so be wary in the night
We're horny little bitches,
we'd rather fuck than fight
So Hidy-Didy, lift those nighties,
get down on your knees
Zim-Zam, Hot Damn !!!
We're Blue Heart Company !!!"

But she'd just be humming to herself
After all, Blue Heart Company is a myth
An old legend about an ancient sisterhood
of shadowy intergalactic assassins-for-hire
as deadly as any others who ever were.
Now bounty hunters at the highest level
who take certain 'trophies' for proof...
Tales meant to strike fear into wannabe thugs and little punks with a superstitious streak to keep them in their place-
on their knees......

If she's not in one of the 'space' areas
She's after something not found there
and may or may not RP an 'away trip'
Probably not, but you never know...

If someone wants to make an 'expendable' character for her to collect a bounty on, they'll die with a smile on their face ;)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf