
Portrait Save
Height: 4'3"
Build: Plump with wide hips
Age: One might guess she is young.
Weight: Looks a bit plump, likely heavier for her size. Careful of those hooves.
Legs: Yep, hooves. And goat legs. A fine white fuzz below her knees.
Skin: Deep sea blue
Hair: Silvery white
Eyes: Glowing blue
Ears: Pointed with a bit of a curve outward to them.
Tail: Yep there's a tail too. It's rather thick at the base, thinning out near the end. Yet it ends in what looks like a small if rather dangerous barb.
Horns: There's a double set of these too! They're grey and curve back across her hair.

Z'liggral'thonia, or just Zonia if you lack the proper tongue to pronounce her full name is a shorter woman on the plump side, looking quite normal from a distance. Of course as one grows nearer, the horns become apparent. Sweeping back, colored blue like her skin. The tail would likely be noticed next, a swaying length of blue skin that seems to have a life of its own. A small, if wicked looking, barb that one might see upon some horrible beast sits just short of the very tip.

A pair of legs seem to move downward from this woman normally enough at first, until they twist at the wrong angle, digitigrade in appearance and function. A fine white fuzz covers those legs from the knee downward, with a set of hooves like a goat or a demon would have where feet should be.

Despite her fearsome appearance, the woman has a friendly smile to her, a look of curiosity more often than not. Her equipment is generally simple, though she can nearly always be seen with a silver amulet around her neck, which seems to depict a single white flame.
Player:Dance, dance, dance
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human