Kai Fraken


Human woman, Brown hair, blue eyes, average height (5'4"), average build.  

This 20 year old doesn't seem special in any way.

Her young life had been fairly average too.  She grew up in an Inn, cleaning, cooking, tending rooms and waiting tables.

Her dreams wrapped around the minstrils who occasionally visited her Inn.  She would often sing while working, pretending she was the one traveling, telling stories and singing.

When she was 16, she caught the interest of one minstrel, who talked her into running away with him.

The past 4 years were not what she expected.  She saw things that changed her greatly.  She's no longer the little girl who dreamed of being a minstrel.

Yet she still loves to sing.

Kai's voice is her gift.  For RP purposes only, please allow a 50% increase to her perform rolls when singing.  Her voice sounds similar to Jewel's with Whitney's control.  

When dancing, playing her lute, or almost all other bardic talents she is nowhere near as good.  Please lower her perform roll by 50% for these rolls.  Again, this is for RP only.  Kai is not a "rounded" bard, excelling in everything.  Just her voice is her gift.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human