Fiora Laurent

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Race        Human
Gender      Female
Eyes        Blue
Hair        Dark/Red Shades
Height      160cm(5ยด25 ft.)
Build       Lithe/Athletic
Occupation  Noble Dualist
Accent      French
Disposition   Stubborn/Proud

Hailing from a noble family, while being pretty and smart enough, Fiora could've easily lived a life of comfort and courtroom pleasantries, were it not for her arrogant attitude and skills as a dualist.

At first her family did not mind Fiora having a "hobby", fencing even from a young age. They never expected her to show such aptitude for it, that she could use it to build a dangerous amount of confidence in her abilities and ultimately challenge the decisions they had in mind for her.

Having little interest in getting married off and sharing any agency in her life, her family started to worry that no one would show any interest in her and even when they did, she would challenge them in her favorite pass time and they would mistake her lack of scars as a lack of experience and underestimate how lethal she could be, even while possessing a playful smirk.

It was only a manner of time before she would leave the wrong suitor at the brink of death and cause a scandal, that nearly destroyed her family and forced her into a form of exile.

While being deadly with a blade, it is obvious that this woman struggles to turn down most types of challenges, forever seeking a worthy opponent, that can match her skills and wit.

If one were to show any romantic or physical interest in her, it would be wise to find a weakness outside of her bladework.
While she might be arrogant and unfriendly at first, a hint of humor, wit or a game of sorts, would quickly pique her interest.
Think of something, she feels like she has to prove herself at.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf