Asrex of the Wolfskull Clan

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UNIVERSE: Goblin Slayer Universe

Asrex is slightly larger and stronger than the rest of his goblin kin. His green skin is a road map of scars, hinting at a very hard lived life. Assorted tribal runes have been branded into his flesh, those knowledgeable in such things would recognize them as runes of power.

A glimmer of intelligence can be seen in his eyes, dangerous in his kind. And while he prefers to speak the goblin language, he can speak common should he so choose. The assortment of stone amulets worn about his neck mark him as a shaman of his tribe.

REDS: Males, Hermaphrodites, vore, scat, anything with an animal head, permadeath, over-reliance on dice rolls (not here to play Yahtzee), godmoding, OOC drama (save the drama for your llama).

YELLOWS: permanent scarring/disfigurement

GREENS: Non-con, bondage, kidnapping/enslaving women, magic/alchemical experimentation with his captives (despite the greens, Asrex is fairly vanilla)

1. Asrex will ONLY kidnap women whose players have expressed an OOC interest in such RP. Sorry if it ruins the flow of RP, but I had a "bait and switch" incident a while back that I care not to go through again.

2. The power/internet situation where I live can be spotty at times. It is possible that I may disappear during an RP scene. If so, please give me a moment to log back in. If I don't come back know that I am sitting in a darkened apartment cursing like a sailor. I do NOT do angry/rude log outs.

3. I am tell friendly. Feel free to send a tell to ask a question, set up some RP, or simply shoot the breeze while grinding for gold or XP.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Gnome