
Portrait Save
PDA 946672 - Fayrrai

Race: Qen
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hair: Bright pink
Eyes: Gold
Skin: Light green
Role: Submissive-switch

  Hello? This thing on? It is? Cool. Uhhh log number one I guess. Captain told me to make this to sort of introduce myself. So here it goes!

  I'm Fayrrai, or just Fay. Was born into a merchant family on Drora 6275. No not a cool merchant family, just domestic trading. We traded the scraps of the big names. So that was pretty lame growing up but hey, got to start somewhere right?

  I always wanted to be part of a larger ship, maybe even the Captain... Captain Fey, savior of the solar system, and really rad person. No? To much? Anyway, so after I grew up I started smaller jobs on ships that traveled to the sister planets of Drora. Lucky stroke hit and now im here, aboard the TC Halo. A trader class ship that travels to close by solar systems! I know... it sounds cool, and it is!

  Im surprised im the only Qen on the ship, back home we are as common as Fabbles. I really miss Fabbles... Captain said we are heading off to a place called 'Radotonga'. Never heard of it but that's alright, new places means new adventures. But ya! Ill make more of these things later I guess!
Player:space girl
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human