Mairvudra Keenbreath

Race: Human
Sex: Shemale
Height: 6'2
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue

Mairvudra stands at a relatively imposing stature, when compared to most other humans. She has the appearance and mannerisms of your typical street thug, her face near constantly held in a grimace and defined musculature and a fair enough amount of bulk along with it. Her skin was tanned

She carries a fair few scars upon her body, but lacks the disposition and appearance of an honorable warrior or even a mercenary. One would be safe to assume that at best, she looked like a sailor and at worst was some sort of street thug or criminal. Perhaps she's both, the certain truth of this won't be certain until one sits down with her for a while.

This character is definitely of a much more thuggish persuasion, so don't get feel upset if she acts in an overtly aggressive or unpleasant manner!

Also, I am incredibly tell friendly and open to walk ups, so don't hesitate to ask questions, or just to chat!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human