Celeste Crawford

Name: Celeste Crawford
Race: Vampire (Human)
Height: 5'10"
Age: 126
Nationality: Waterdhavian
Hair: Loose, red locks.
Eyes: A deep, foreboding red.
Temperature: She is cold to the touch, until she has a drink.


Predatory eyes regard potential prey with a look of intense desire. Often until that moment, her red eyes look disinterested, yet contrasted with an amused seeming smile on her full lips painted black. Her voice is velvety and quiet with just enough of a pause to suggest she were considering her words carefully. She spoke almost in a gentle tone if not for the fact she sounded /terribly/ hungry at all times and you were the next meal. There were a few other indicators to this woman's unnatural atmosphere. In no window, mirror, or glass she held for a drink did she appear as her reflection did not belong to the living world. Then, was the fact that when not already surrounded by darkness, she did not seem to 'interact' with present light. Where she stood, no shadow appeared at all.

Celeste is a pale beauty, with long, red hair that falls down the length of her back and peaks over her shoulders, with a few loose strands of her silky locks falling down in front of her face. She dresses herself in a corset style dress that was worn tightly on the top, barely doing anything to restrict


Celeste possess two unique powers that can be roleplayed as a victim pleases. The first is that she has access to enchantment magic, which works well to compliment her second ability. She can put you under a geas, she can alter your memories, or she can even mark you to make you physically to make it so you can't resist her abilities.

The second ability is the vampire's classic Charm. By locking eyes with her victim, she can put her victim into an enthrallment that causes them to see her as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the victim isn't under her direct control, they take her requests in the most favorable way they can, and they are willing to let her drink their blood. The effect lasts 24 hours (a whole roleplay encounter, or several if you want.) If you're victim to this Charm ability, you can expect her to be using you for lewd acts.


Whites/greens: Corrupting innocent maidens, mind controlling (not being controlled,) groping, kissing, saliva play, females, being the top, the bottom sometimes, some other things.

Reds: Going to just say the usual, and probably men.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human