

Physical Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Female

Height: 5 ft 9 in (appr.)
Weight: Medium
Body Type: Lithe, luxurious
Body Shape: Hourglass
Breast Size: You might guess 34DD, but these things are hard to gauge.
Muscle Tone: Toned, sleek

Skin Color: Pallid
Eyes: Red, intense
Hair: Black, back-length
Jewelry: A variety.
Cosmetics: Black nail polish, kohl.
Scent: Black orchid with notes of patchouli.
Voice: Low, purring, husky.


Approaches | RP-PvP | Story & Plot
Consequences | Dice Rolls | Depth
Macabre & Dark Themes | Lovecraftian

If you have any questions or requests, let me know.


Interested In: Basically a lot of stuff. Plots & Storylines with depth, PvP (Within reason), IC Consequences (Within context), Dungeon runs / Shard runs, Non-sexual roleplay, OOC conversations. Tentacles, Mind Magic, Demony stuff, Power Play, and tons more. Play the game to find out.
Player:Le Fiend
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human