
The Servo-Skull before you bears a golden name plate on it's forehead. Though any titles and secondary names have been intentionally hidden, carved away until utterly unreadable.

So the name plate simply reads...


What is immediately obvious to those who know anything about Servo-Skulls is that Saul is no menial drone, he has simply too many tools and functions. However, whatever prestige this man had in the past has been washed away and those that see him are left to wonder what role he may have served in the past.
For now, Saul spends his time on the Space Hulk Itinerant, floating around keeping candles lit, doing tasks for anyone who might ask and being target practice for the lowlives who call the hulk home.
Whatever happened to Saul to make him lose his identity and many of his memories also seemed to scramble the rest of his brain, too. The Servo-Skull now seems to possess three distinct personalities or "voices" that seem to be constantly fighting each other for supremacy.

Servo-Saul: This voice is Saul's favoured, as it is the one he uses most. "When Saul Speaks In This Voice He Makes Sure He Pronounces Each Word Independently". Giving it a robotic cadence to match his apparent lack of personality. Saul tends to use this voice when accepting general commands or giving people information, though it can often come off as unsettling due to it's monotone.

Serene-Saul: This voice is the second most common voice, though it does not stand out as much as the others. "~when saul speaks in this voice he is usually saying nice things in an understated and gentle way~". He often gives people nicknames, compliments them and reassures them. Saul tends to use this voice completely at random, but the things he says seem very genuine and personal.

Stroppy-Saul: This voice is the least common but often stands out the most. "WHEN SAUL SPEAKS IN THIS VOICE HE SAYS FUCK A LOT". This voice is obnoxious and loud and heavily distorted due to the quality of the speakers it comes from. Saul tends to accuse people of being heretics, traitors or idiots and these sometimes pop up even after he says nice things, making them come off more like ticks that he can't properly control.


-Optical suite with many uses including telescopic sight and infra-red sensor
-Two extendable manipulator pincers with 2 prong claw
-Strong manipulator pincer with 4 prong claw
-Scribing kit with scroll parchment spool, ink pot and quill
-Two extendable injector pistons and one extendable flesh stapler
-Vox recorder with relatively small storage space
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human