
Portrait Save
Name: N/A
Surname: N/A
Registration Number: F/PB23-OIAG/FPS004
Nicknames: "Kitty", "Four"
Titles: "Slave", "Creature", "Pet", "Slut"
Age: 19 Years
Physical Sex: Female
Voice: -5 to +25% average pitch

Homeland: Sinfar Archipelagoes
Home City: Ambrosia
Raised in: Private Breeder's Home

Born to two feline slaves in the home of a prominent noble and part time exotic pet breeder within Ambrosia, "Kitty" was never given a proper name, and never knew freedom.

While she was educated, this education skipped over reading (Save for that of music sheets), writing, and all but the most basic degree of mathematics. Instead, "Kitty" was taught to sing and dance, perform massages (Including, later in life, erotic massages), cook, clean, follow simple directions, mend clothing (including exotic materials, such as latex), fullfill roles as a pet and companion, and (in her last two years of training before sale) provide pleasure to her betters on demand.

As she matured, steps were taken to better control her and keep her willingly in bondage. she was put into a state of constant, low-intensity heat and made extremely prone to increases in arousal via touch... Her body constantly desired to be used for the pleasure of others, and this made sex an ideal tool to ensure her total obedience.

Between the brief sating of her lewd desires as a reward... and the use of electricity, spade-tipped crops, spankings, confinement, and other punishments for even the mere hesitation to obey a command, "Kitty" found the concept of disobedience increasingly alien, and the concept of freedom increasingly terrifying. She doesn't even ask for table scraps anymore, and will avoid consuming people food... While the slave trader who  was bringing her to auction is currently missing, "Kitty" desires nothing more than to live under the dominion of another.

[A Lesser Being]
"Kitty", while a person in most senses barring her own recognition of this fact, does not register as a person to magic, and her capability for higher thinking is somewhat limited in light of how much of her decisions are based on instincts and emotions instead.

While she can voice her desires and understands the idea of informed consent as it applies to others, Kitty is first and foremost an animal with the rough degree of intelligence and social understanding of a person. She even qualifies as an animal for the purposes of the Find Familiar spell.

[OOC: Owner Scheduling]
Kitty's ownership remaining with a character is subject to a compatible schedule. Should you not have a compatible schedule and not have someone in mind to "Keep her in use" at hours compatible with my own free time, ownership will transfer to a more fitting character or organization.

[OOC: Lights]
In Practice: If it's not in red, try it. If I don't like it or don't feel like it, I will usually first attempt to guide the scene away from the offending stuff, then send a tell if that fails to either remove the problem stuff or end the scene, retconning with your input as warranted and necessary. Things I find so unappealing that I desire to avoid them at all costs will be added to reds over time.

Red: ERP with no plot buildup or connected RP, Scat/Toilet play, Vore involving the soul (not including use of the collar or similar soul-preserving but control-granting methods) stomach or digestive fluids (Soft or Hard), Necrophelia (Not counting vampires), Lethal actions in sex or post-sex. Any kind of  "Spiritual annihilation" as part of a sexual act. Halfling/Gnome women with small or nonexistant boobs, anything that is or is bordering directly on ageplay.

Yellow: ERP in any sense not covered by reds, within any non-rules-violating, not-illegal-to-portray context (More likely to be approved if implied rather than roleplayed in detail, but will generally be approved more readily for trusted partners).

Green: N/A (Though favoring pet or slave play, bondage, cuddling etc as between yellow and green)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human