
Name: Stonefang (probably not his real name)
Race: Devil (Of fiery origin)
Sex: Male
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 250 pounds
Scales: Deep Lavender
Eyes: Yellow with Black pupils
Tail: 3 feet of prehensile apppendage
Voice: Smooth but very crude English/Galactic Basic/Common/(Whatever your character would call it)
Scent: Ground Cinnamon


"Iss new. Done with abyssss. Iss travel like ssoulss talk of." As to how Stonefang escaped his usual duties is anyones guess (unless he tells you his story and you can actually understand him that is). It is doubtful that he's been outside his circle of hell for long, so many sites, sensations and the like being highly alien to him.

"Like cloth? Got ressent. Sstonefang come from plasse...with no cloth. Never feel right with Sstonefang" Stonefang was adorned in a red-silk shirt, black-silk poofy-pants, bracers, and shin coverings. Elegant grab really; It covered the devil and his proportions comfortably.

"Sstonefang sstrong. Fasst. Not very tough." The infernal being before you was decently muscled, and could move around fluidly on his hooves. Despites his curved and athletic body, Stonefang's 'breed' of devil seems to tend towards being a tad more fragile then some.

"...Sstonefang d-doess no wissh talkss of Sstonefang'ss body..." The devil was exceptionally warm, his scales irradiating a pleasant heat despite a layer of clothing. Well muscled (and curved at that) legs held up his equally well-toned upper half. While not as muscled as some warriors, he had enough flexibility to compensate. His scaled body was exotic, to say the least. Coming to all of this information by yourself no doubtedly made Stonefang uncomfortable (He seems exceptionally shy for an infernal creature).

" . . . " His cloth off, every inch of Stonefang's scales were pristine lavender, untouched by mark or mar. It adorned every inch of him from the two orbs hanging below his waist to his brow, save for the hole underneath his tail and his cockslit. Should you have a good enough view and have him arroused enough, you might even spy two throbbing cinnamon sticks despite the devil's embarassment.

Cinnamon sticks indeed. If one has a good sense of smell, you can note that the scent of cinnamon originates from his crotch. The more arroused and hard Stonefang is, the more aromatic the scent. The question begs if he tastes as he smells.


Stonefang really only has one unique trait: Due to his racial anatomy, flamable alcohol fuels his internal flame thus feeding him (commonly torturing the souls of the damned kept this fire going but he has found hard liquor does this quite well).

On the otherhand, water will lessen his inner flame, dulling his senses (basically how alcohol regularly affects a human). Water will, in simple terms, fuck him up.


Greens: Anything I haven't stated below is okay! Just keep in mind I might ping you to ask you something (I can't list everything after all!).

Yellows: Rape and Eggs. Stonefang might be a devil, but he doesn't seek rape out. Also he might be on the draconic side but eggs are situational for me. Just ask beforehand, okay?

Reds: Scat, Water Sports, Vore, Gore, /HIGH/ BDSM, and anything of permanence.

While I'm not usually a fan of being pinged OOC for a 'hangout', this character is a devil, therefore summmonable. Whether it be you need to summon up Stonefang to level or well. An infernal bootycall, just shoot me a ping.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human