Indynia Forestshade

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Before you stands a woman of obvious elven decent.

Untamed locks of white cascade about her head and shoulders. Decorated by feathers and braids and beads of painted wood. Framing her delicate elven features which are further decorated with tattoo's and paints only adding to her wild appearance. Set with in the hollows of her eye sockets are a pair of grey blue eyes alight with an inner fire that refuses to go out.

Figure wise, Indy is fit but slim. Her short stature, common among her kind, is not lacking in curves however. A plump pair of breasts narrow to a slender waist only to flare out once more to a set of sturdy hips supporting a round heart shaped posterior. Were one to catch her in the buff they would find further decoration in the way of a pair of brass rings looped through each perky nipple. Lower still another dangling piercing clung through the hood of her clit.

Personality wise, Indy is driven and purposeful. Rarely taking time to sit and chat, or share in jokes. She works hard for the cause of her kin and seems to stray from close relationships. She can come off as stand-offish and short, a hard cold woman, to those who do not know her but once her trust has been gained she is loyal perhaps to a fault and willing to sacrifice everything to protect those she cares about.

Through the war and since, Indy has made a name for herself among elven kind. Doing all she can to help rescue and free those elven slaves that managed to escape the city. It is not uncommon to find her scrounging for work and spending what little coin she can gather on supplies for refugees and those who cannot provide for themselves.

While she tries to keep it tempered, she has a severe dislike of humans. Having seen far too many atrocities doled out upon her kin folk to believe there are more than a small handful of humans worth their skin and even that is iffy.

NO Scat, NO breaking server rules.. That's about it really. I don't like to impede rp with a bunch of do's and don'ts so if you're unsure shoot me a tell but for most things I'm content to see how the story goes and roll with the punches.
Player:Trashpanda Lives Matter
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf