Shahin Nazari

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A thick mane of black hair nearly enshrouds this man?s face and hangs low to just above his shoulders, often falling before his eyes.  Each orb  is a dark green reminiscent of a rich emerald gem, especially when caught in glinting candlelight.  He stands tall and carries himself with a smooth, patient gait.  A frame of rippling, compact muscle beneath dusky bronze skin hints that he is likely quick on his feet and his calloused hands indicate he is no stranger to some form of manual labor.

His gaze often wanders to people and objects around him and his frequent silence and amused expressions might hint at a lazy disposition.  Careful observation however would seem to reveal the exact opposite.  He is scrutinizing, calculating - and depending on the accompanying expression - might seem for all the world as though he is sizing up prey.

More often than not his garb is an amalgamation of different styles, with various odd charms and baubles adorning the clothing here and there as if he'd made a habit to collect oddities from various peoples throughout his life.

Just above his left peck is scarred tattoo.  The image in black ink was presumably once some sort of rune made up of swirling and twisting patterns but is now ruined by a jagged burn scar cutting down the middle.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human