Natalia Estengraan

Basic Information

Name: Natalia Estengraan
Titles: Caduceian Esotrica
Race: Appears Human
Sex: Female
Bust: 36 DD


To look at Natalia, she is a willowy, buxom figure by any measure, with a lithe, almost delicate frame. Her long, thick platinum colored hair is pulled tight into a thick braid that extends down to her ankles, secured by a jade loop that holds firm to the end. Peeking out from under long, loose bangs, are the only real sign something is not quite as it appears about the woman. Set behind delicate spectacles, faintly luminous green eyes give stark contrast to their otherwise inky black pools. Red, glistening lipstick adorns her luscious lips, standing out against the rather pale complexion of her skin.

Natalia appears quite knowledgeable of her looks, choosing clothing that hugs tight to her slight form, with soft silks that leave very little room for the imagination, while still leaving her dressed as a proper noblewoman. Though as a doctor she tends to prefer more roguish looking attire, her wardrobe made up of clothes that while fitting for her tastes, are made for travel, or otherwise getting dirty. She does keep finer clothes at the ready, and on the occasions she must wear such, prefers long, tight dresses. Still, no matter how she dresses, a thick, fur shawl adorns her no matter the occasion, lending to her an air of extravagance.

Unique Information

Thanacite: Written within her medical journals, is a description of a curious liquid metal Natalia refers to as "Thanacite". In her writings, she mentions various applications the material could be used for, but does not appear to have her method for using it inscribed. What is detailed however, is the material's properties:

"... An intriguing metalloid to be sure. Pitch in color, one would easily mistake it for crude oil, if not for the shimmering, green contaminant within. The fluid appears metallic in nature, similar to Mercury, though it seems fairly inert, without a freezing or boiling temperature. Most curious however, is that though the fluid is nonmagnetic, it acts as ferrofluid when exposed to live test subjects. It has been observed to be permeable to solid membranes, though notably, it is most toxic to an individual, and under lab conditions, has killed to date, seven lab rats, two dogs, a monkey, and three condemned persons. Its nature is most curious, and has interesting reactivity when exposed to electricity. More experiments and study to follow... "
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human