Alisya Vae

Portrait Save
Physical Characteristics:
Relative Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Sex: Gynomorph
Height: 4' 8" (142 cm)
Weight: 170 lb (77.1 kg)
Build: Broad and shapely
Bust: 36K
Skin Complexion: Light, medium tan, faint freckles
Hair: Wavy honey blonde
Scent: Petrichor
Eyes: Dark blue-green

Recurring Mannerisms: Restless legs
Dominant Hand: Right
Languages: Common, Elvish
Speech Patterns: Breathy voice, starts off quiet
Alignment: True neutral
Religion: Nature
Occupation: Druid
Political affiliation: Nomad
Origin Culture: Elven magocracy

A short, elf-like young adult woman with a pair of perky fox ears on either side of her head and a perpetually cheerful albeit bemused expression when she's around people. Eager to explore and very curious, although she gets noticably uncomfortable indoors or around large groups..

Red Lights: scat, gore, nonsexual torture, mutilation, hardcore sexual torture, latex

Yellow Lights: kidnapping, watersports, noncon, light sexual torture, acting dominant, rimming, musk/smegma, aphrodisiacs

Green Lights: Alcohol, cock worship,  I prefer dubious consent, some exhibitionism, and being submissive and romantic. I'm also a bit shy, so feel free to engage with me or ask about sweeping me away.
Player:Alisya Vae
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human