Titania Solanine

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It has more than once been commented upon that the opening of the gates has brought forth all sorts of folks, and this woman is no exception. Titania is an unearthly young woman seemingly living completely alone in the forests and wilderness of the lands that lie beyond the city wall. She is an obvious, elven woman who roaming the wilds and civilized lands of the island, with heedfulness; evidently no stranger to the worldview  and culture of the denizens of Blacksteel.

A rather diminutive woman standing at 4'11" with a lithe and svelte build, her supple muscles accentuated by the narrowest of sloping feminine curves. The slight silhouette bears a petite, delicate, toned rear and a set of modest, pert breasts which often appears fuller in figure hugging clothing. Her long, luxurious, silky hair stretches down past her shoulders in a gossamer veil and is an glossy ebon black. Those locks frame a naturally fair face with burnt-red lips, striking features, and glittering, pale-green eyes reminiscent of a feline's eyes. Supple flesh of her form not covered with clothing reveals both her pale, almost alabaster colored skin, dainty, elegant hands presenting painted nails dotted a shining, onyx black. Thin, tiny feet should one catch her without shoes on appeared much the same down to the polish. Should any imperfections mar the form of the exquisite looking woman, such would not be readily seen by most. She traverses with a refined poise and graceful motions as though dancing on air.

With a calm and tranquil demeanor, the woman carries herself with a sophisticated confidence and an apparent aloofness, not surprising given the general attitudes toward elves. The woman while sounding rather cultivated and sagely in her way of speaking can also be rather cynical, apparently harboring no qualms in voicing her skepticism all while remaining rather courteous in doing so. When speaking to her one would find the woman seemingly quite prim, demure, ruminative, and at times rather solemn despite possessing a silvery, seductive voice. Her style of clothing gives yet another indication of her place in the world and perhaps her purpose, favoring gowns of the most exquisite silks and satins that gently envelop the contours and curvatures of her form yet flared toward the lower hemline, fine hosiery and heeled slippers, and various pieces of glistening, ornate jewelry.  Rarely seen in simpler, more masculine attire though dependent on the weather, a person would at times see the addition of a long cloak of what appears to be of a durable yet fashionable material as well as a stylish gentlewoman's hat adorned with crisp, white feathers.

The pleasant scent of sweet, spicy wildflowers with a defining musk of various crops in particular fibers left in her wake; with an beguiling batting of her lash-adorned eyelids and an alluring upward curve of her lips, the woman roams the lands offering few words to most whom she passes. Truth be told, there is an obvious aura of mystery about her. A great many secrets remain held sacred by the woman. Loathe is she to divulge knowledge regarding herself nor her history within the city walls.  In many ways quite the enigma among its denizens, to know anything further though one would have to converse with her.

"Thee I invoke by the moonlit sea, by the standing stone and the twisted tree. As above so below, so mote it be."
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf