Drysten Cairnwall

A man of average height and athletic build, Drysten wears his mixed heritage with a brazen and carefree demeanor. Nevertheless, the toll taken by years of adversity has left scars on him that far overshadow the few silvery lines on his face and body.
Against both man and elf, the undertone of resentment at times starkly emerges from his words and expressions. Far from hostile, though, the halfbreed is on the whole an affable creature whose smile - though elusive - is warm and mischievous when it finally appears.
Though living an unassuming life of servitude to a noble house, those immediately surrounding him still watch him with open suspicion. It remains to be seen whether those fears are valid or the pure product of racial prejudice, but it must be acknowledged that the half-elf keeps his personal goals private.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human