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At first glance...
Height: Perhaps a touch taller than average, at 5'1"
Build: While her bone structure is stereotypically svelte as the rest of her kin's, her body is of a plush hourglass sort; supported by long, stalwart legs and framed by slender arms that seem accustomed to physical labor.
Hair: Raven-black, her inky locks are often left to fall around her shoulders in loose waves, occasionally braided or tied from her face.
Eyes: Bright and sparkling emerald green with pale flecks of gold encompassing her pupils.
Scars/Brands: A crude 'E' marks her lower right cheek, which looks as if someone used a hot knife to inflict rather than any official branding tool. Her skin also holds cleaner brands throughout, marking her as having been through a fair few households and trading companies, by now. The most fresh-looking one depicting a shield with the initials U.C.

Upon Closer Examination...
 This elf has a habit of keeping her eyes down-cast or turned to inanimate objects in her idle time, a sort of timid quality to the graceful creature who would be considered lovely if not for the markings of ownership that disrupted her otherwise infallible features.
 Long, dark lashes frame dazzling emerald eyes typical to her kin, set below high-arched brows and above a dainty and pixie-esque nose. Her chin is pointed, lips are full and often painted a pleasant, darker hue - and when they tug into a smile it often appeared a forced, anxious or uncertain expression.
 The servant's body is voluptuous and supple; her hips set wide, waist narrow, legs lean and sturdy and arms slender but capable. The fabrics she adorns herself with are worn but by no means threadbare, generally of natural hues that compliment her eyes.
 Aurora's ears are hard to miss; long, pointed and adorned with an array of silvery hoops and studs, feathers of local birds dangling from a few.
 On the rare occasions she relaxes or warms up, one would find her sweet and kind - somehow not turned cold or dull from her experiences; ever-observant, dutiful and eager to seek simple joys in existence.
 When she speaks, it's in a soft tone that would lend itself well to singing - her voice is soothing and generally only offered in kind words, though she seems aware that the appropriate time and place to speak up is rarely and in private. She keeps a neat posture, a polite disposition and a keen attention on those around her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human