Janthelian Aphentel

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Some people would never lift a finger
They just sit on their hands
Janthie is always ready to knuckle down,  put her shoulder to the wheel and give a hand up without asking for a handout.
She never puts the finger on anyone who doesn't deserve it, she isn't elbowing her way to the top, but she'll strongarm an enemy

Average height, about 5'6"
Dark auburn hair, hacked off short
As fit as she can make herself
Always wears an ornate bracer
Favours purple and white

Well armed
Quite a handful in a fight

Usually found either honing her fighting skills by 'saving a village from monsters' or just sitting quietly in a secluded place well away from others

For the right kind of person
In the right place, at the right time
ERP isn't impossible but difficult at first
If you want her to knuckle under and give you the thumbs up you'll need to have a gentle touch instead of a hamfisted one
She probably prefers things kind of plain
she's pretty handy though and learns fast
She does have a few harmless quirks
But who doesn't ?

Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist
Children already know that dragons exist
They tell children dragons can be killed
- G.K. Chesterton

slow romantic episodes
people who listen to her
people with a soft touch
people who take their time
people who stay around awhile afterward

It's mostly either red or green

Oversized things
The usual stuff
Being too rough or too fast
Expecting her to strip everything and lie back just by asking her to
Being 'seduced and abandoned'
Treat her right and she might look forward to meeting up another time
Logout on her right after and she'll likely hate that character forever
Anything other than 'very plain' (for now)

Player:pull the other one
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf