Arena Slave 24,601

Life can be cruel, it can be extremely cruel when you get captured and sold into the underdark so long ago you don't even really remember where you came from or your first name. You'll always remember the second.. ... Maybe you'll earn a third, a personal name one shared only with those also born to die. If you live long enough you'll begin to earn more, so many those first three will be all that matter to you.

This is Arena Slave 24,601 she speaks with a horrible common accent butched with years of undercommon, drow, gnoll, goblin, orc, grey orc... It's a bit hard to understand her a bit easier if you are a barbarian or actually speak undercommon. She is a hulk at 7'6 her skin tattooed decoratively for her mistress' pleasures her body honed and covered with old scars. On her forehead is burned the drow glyph for "Dangerous, and unruly" It bears a stigma far from it's meaning, it pertains to rothe only, animals or slaves it's the same to them. Still it was a powerful form the rival of any orc, often she wears little in the way of cloths and a beautiful and delicate collar of leather and gold with a small locked catch on the front. The kind you might put on a favored animal who knows to keep their collar on.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human