Eowyn Ruiniel

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     «@»»»»»»»»» Origins «««««««««@»

Humans have made a mess of things. Particularly when it comes to the dungeons neglected across the world. Left to their own devices, it is a recipe rife for destruction if they're not dealt with! 'A noble profession, an emelin (canary).' At least, that is what they told her. 'A far better use of your life than a life of crime.' The reminder typically follows. As if they needed to. Her right ear, permanently clipped, a souvenir enough to last her through her lengthy life. Before her arrest, she was cheated, and those she trusted stole something from her. Something precious, she fully intends to steal back. One day, she'll attain her freedom, and punish the Elf responsible for this collar of compulsion wrapped around her neck!

     «@»»»»»»» Appearance «««««««@»

Her eyes peered through a wild tangle of hair like those of a cornered animal. Defiant and intense, but skittering about fragile and wounded surveying the street with her usual resting look somewhere between apathy and ardor, otherwise soaking it all in; Gauging the entrances and exits -- The easy marks and trouble. Only her eyes moved with purpose.

The blood red tresses whipped behind her like a roaring flame. Hair pulled into a high, loose bun. Stray bangs framed her attractive, strong face -- both sad and lovely mulled underneath its surface like a placid lake rife with deadly undercurrents. Her eyes bright like the night under cloudless climes overhead twinkling starlight. Across the bridge of her button nose, a single lone scar.

A curious style about her with a great sense of vanity about her. Dressed up even the most mundane dullard of articles into something more suiting of her stature. Preferring heels despite their absurd impracticality for a woman of her dangerous profession. An athletic woman built with curves like an amphora. Agile as a black cat, with a long slender neck, shapely shoulders, and nubile breasts. She is devastatingly beautiful, and she flaunts it.

She is puckish, angelic, obedient, incorrigible -- always one when she ought be the other, but always carried herself with a seedling of a smile toying on the corners of her lips. Ever eager to sprout into a sardonic grin. Rosebud lips embellished in bright blues. Her beauty was like the edge of a very sharp knife lodged in your back.

     «@»»»»»»»» Changes ««««««««@»

Her throat is peppered in hickeys. An almost perverse amount of the marks line throughout her throat and clavicles.

     «@»»»»»»»»» TL;DR «««««««««@»

Elvish Name » Eowyn nos Ruiniel
In Common » Eowyn of House Ru
Alias » 'i-Lindalëaa Morilúpë'
In Common » 'The Warbling Blackbird'
Race » Darkborne/Thinblood (Elf/Drow)
Age » 122 Years
Endowments » cis Female
Pronouns » She/Her
Orientation » Gay
Former Profession » Thieving Troubadour
Current Profession » Streetwalker
Complexion » Pale, Freckled
Hair » Silver (Dyed Red)
Eyes » Crimson with Vertical Slits
Ears » Notched on Right Ear
Build » Fit, Athletic, Top Heavy
Height » 5'5" (165cm)
Scars » Bridge of Nose
Tattoos » An elaborate crotch tattoo consisting of solid lines mimicking the shape of a thorned tree. At its center, it's branches form the shape of a hollow heart, which burst with two branches angled down and around like a pair of ram's horns. At it's end, the forbidden apple.
Scent » Of rosewater layered over a warm woody base of amber, sandalwood and vanilla -- And blood.
Fertility » Fertile
Virtue » In tatters and someone's to blame
Reputation » Unknown
Morality » Chaotic Evil

     «@»»»»»»»»» Lights «««««««««@»

White: Avid Literates, Engaging Personalities, Depraved Creativity, Mutual Chemistry, Thrill Seekers, All Body Types and Genders Welcome  

Green: Anal as Birth Control, Bad Situations made Worse, Bestial Brutes/Animalistic Unmentionables, Blood, Bondage, Chastity, Combat,  Consequences, Corruption/Redemption, Dice Rolls, Dungeoneering, Feminization, Forbidden Fertility, Gore, Meaty Clits, Monstrosities, Oral Worship, Orientation Play, Pegging, Profile Play, Possessive Partners, Reluctant Pleasure, Risk of Pregnancy, Romance (Of Either Extreme), Sweat and Sexual Juices, Taboos, Transformation, Unusual Insertions, Watersports, Vaginal, Violence

Yellow: , Obscure and Unclear Descriptions, Scat, Vore

Red: The Boring, The Faploggers, The Ghosts, The Needlessly Needy and The Pedophiles

     «@»»»»»»»»» OOC «««««««««@»

 Tell Friendly.  Just don't gang up on me. Be Kind. Rewind. Just be straight forward. I do not assume you want RP unless explicitly asked.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human