

Name: Unknown
False Name: Pumpkin
Titles: Owner and Proprietor of "Sugar in the Gourd"
Age: Unknown
Race: Succubus
Bust: >>SLAPS<< Sh-Shut up!


A small, spunky and disarmingly friendly Fiend, the Succubus known as "Pumpkin" is certainly an unusual example of her race. Fairly short, for a Succubus, standing at roughly the same height as a dwarf or particularly tall halfling, Pumpkin is nevertheless just as lithe and unnaturally beautiful as any other Succubus. From her back, large, bat like wings sweep through the air with a uncharacteristic grace that counters Pumpkin's general temperament, while curling about behind her, seemingly of a mind of its own, is a fleshy whip of her tail, dappled with light, barely noticeable scales. Sported proudly upon her otherwise bare chest, are a pair of small, if proportionally decent to her, sized breasts, while her similarly proudly displayed subtle mound of a sex is bereft of any hair, though seems ever ready in its flushed, achingly soft puffiness. The only apparent 'flaw' in her looks, is on her ample, otherwise sumptuous rear; Upon her left buttocks, a brand of what appears to be some manner of flower is imprinted in a light scar.

Pumpkin's face is neatly framed by gently waving hair of deepest black, her visage halting, with a picturesque face, dominated by glimmering, glowing orange eyes. From the Succubus's temples, rise a pair of small horns that hook backwards.

Pumpkin typically wears very little, settling for a set of black and orange tights, paired with black velvet boots. She otherwise seems to disdain clothes, either on herself or others, though makes little mention of such unless prompted to do so.

A self proclaimed baker, Pumpkin is the proud owner of the "Sugar in the Gourd" Bakery, "Home of Pumpkin's Famous Cream Pies". The Succubus seems rather self aware, and seems to readily offer jokes about her chosen name and nature, occasionally snickering at the odd innuendo. Despite being a Succubus, she does not appear to immediately try to engage others in sexual favors, instead favoring the odd friendly conversation, though she has no qualms accepting such attention if offered to her.

Pacts Demonica


As a Succubus, Pumpkin can be summoned. Summoning Pumpkin requires a relevant spell DC check, equal or greater to 10 + Pumpkin's CHA modifier, + her level. After summoning, she is duty bound to fulfill one request.


Pumpkin can potentially be bound into service, becoming (mostly) subservient to the being that bound her. Binding is a ritual that requires Pumpkin's true name, and to have her incapacitated for the duration. Binding Pumpkin requires a Spellcraft check of 10 + Pumpkin's CHA modifier, + her level. If at any point Pumpkin is freed of her incapacitation, the Ritual fails immediately. Furthermore, at the completion of the Ritual, Pumpkin may make a will save, against the Ritual's rolled check. Should she save, the Ritual fails.

Upon being bound, the creature that bound her may command her as they will. However, Pumpkin will not obey commands that would otherwise cause her to harm herself, and while bound to follow commands, Pumpkin is free to interpret them as she wills. Commands issued this way must be made with an opposed will save from both the commander and Pumpkin. If Pumpkin wins this check, the binding ritual breaks, and she will become hostile to the creature that bound her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human