Ahb'skuur'ahzil The Faceless

Portrait Save
19/05/2021 -- Update

Name: Ahb'skuur'ahzil The Faceless
Race: Demon - Loumara
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 230 LBS
Build: Athletic and fit, toned muscles
Skin: Leathery and warm
Scent: Blood and ashes

"He is judge, jury, and executioner because he has killed them all."

The imposing figure looms within your point of view his white overcoat concealing the athletic frame behind its deceiving bulk. Exposed to all the eyeless form of the demonic visage was tainted red giving the leathery skin an odd complexion within the light. Strapped across the back of the creature was a large greatsword the edges of the blade tainted with blood and rust, sometimes the blood still trickles down to wet the ground he walked upon. Crowning the monstrous appearance of the being was a blood red halo, any amount of blood, gore, and dirt that made its way upon the white pristine of his attire was slowly drawn toward it and absorbed within its eternal glimmer.

"Take what solace you can in the knowledge that you will not be here to witness true despair."

"When the price is paid, the power is yours."
It is whispered around the Sinifer city that this creature is a hired mercenary for various legal and illegal activity.

"Your nightmares inspire me mortal."
Corruption comes in many forms, your nightmares are but gateways to your own destruction. The mind is a playground for seeds of delight, danger, and destruction that can leave one terrified or inspired.

"Not all nightmares can be escaped by waking"
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human