
Public Name: Ana (Anabelle)
Private Name: Unknown. If you know it be careful, as using it can make her angry.
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Hair: Variable
Eyes: Human or Cat shaped. Pale Green.
Skintone: Variable, usually red or pink tinted.
Scent: Mood Dependant, Chocolate (weak aphrodisiac) or Vinegar and Rotten Fruit (gaseous acid)
Aura Sight/Detection: No tail = Human, Tail = Fiendishly Tainted, Full Demonic Form = Evil

Warning: the character, backstory and design includes extremely dark themes.

A fiendish creature with a habit of changing it's appearance. An incessant and playful tease with a rather extreme touch of sadism hidden just below the surface.

Alignment: Sometimes is warded against detection; PM if pinging.
Poison Immunity
Flesh Crafting/Grafting
Outsider Traits: Summon-able and Pact-able.
Seething Corrupter: Will always attempt non-violent solutions; abhors violence and direct force as a tools of the crude and unintelligent.
Black Arts Lorekeeper: the demoness' personal experience and particular master has led to knowledge on many profane topics, including but not limited to Ur-Practice, Lichdom, Vampirism, Fleshcrafting, Grafting, Ascension, Pacts (Including Skin-Pacting, 'Gifting' and Warlock-Pacting), Apotheosis, Vile Magic, Monkey's Paw Wishes, Geass/Quest, Extraplanar Contracts and Curses.
Possession Demon: Can forsake her physical form and enter an ethereal state (symbolized by going stealthy) which she can then use to enter the bodies of others (Will Save to resist, though a subject may not realize they have been possessed.) and control their actions (secondary Will save) for up to a number of hours equal to the number of times such control has been used on the subject by the demon. Once every eight hours, the demon can change one physical aspect of the possessed creature (see flesh crafting). By entering a 'passive' state, the demon's presence can no longer be detected, but it cannot take any actions with the host. The host and demon may communicate telepathically as a free action if the host is aware of the possession. (Excerpt Taken from A 3.5 sourcebook detailing possession. Think of this as an 'at consent' storyhook to allow a character to behave in ways that normally counter how they would.)

Atmospheric Mood Music
"Chapel of Skorm" ~ Fable
"Villain" ~K/DA (Might as well be her themesong since only a few lines are off the mark. Imagine Ana moving to the music, popping her hips from side to side and belly-dancing just flaunting what she is, wrists and arms twisting in the air temptingly.)
"Popstars" ~ K/DA
"Gaunter O'Dimm theme" ~ Witcher 3 OST (Hearts of Stone)

The Character is loosely based on "Xana" from "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" and "Evelynn" from "League of Legends", but also has themes from countless other sources.

OOC Lights
Reds - never - Anything to do with the players Lady_Crimson_42 or TheRedOven (the former is a bad actor and enabler of toxic-players, the latter is an incredibly childish OOC harasser who is incapable of behaving maturely or doing anything other than lying.), Bathroom stuff, OOC Drama, anything permanent for my char (loose rule), trolling/griefing. PVP is boring. Immature behavior. Metagamers. Unobjective Player Perception (you are not your characters, it is important to be able to tell when your character is doing something wrong.)
Yellows - mood dependant - Everything not in red or green. PMed questions with answers that could be learned easily though RP. (extreme kink) Fleshcrafting/Grafting/Bodyhorror.
Greens - Always - Breeding (others), Playfulness, Games, Bets, Semi-public, Private, Threesomes.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human