
An ornate and intricate mask of corvid features works with a hood to obscure the face of a tall woman dressed in colors appropriate to the season. The fire of autumn, bleak white and evergreen of winter, and lighter greens and browns in warmer months. When it?s cold, not an inch of skin is to be seen beneath cloth, hide, and fur. In the heat of summer, sun-toughened skin bears many intricate designs rendered in rumpled scar tissue that winds purposefully around the majority of her body.

Regardless of the season, the tall woman is decorated with a number of trinkets, beads, and fetishes of stone, bone, or unrefined metals. A practical belt sits around her hips, laden with medicines and a few small tools necessary for her craft. Among these, a stone bladed hatchet and a silver sickle.

Those who seek less practical information find Annabel to be a svelte sort of tall, though still a far cry from elven beauty. Little hair is visible through her attire, but the most observant might catch the glint of light in bright blue eyes behind the worked leather of her raven's mask.

Reds: Rape, scat, cervix busting, undiscussed pregnancy
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human