
Portrait Save
Be prepared.

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1. At a Glance
2. Description
3. Background
4. Purpose
5. Notes

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At a Glance

Name: Atikaya
Race: Rakshasi
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sex: Female
Age: Appears thirtysomething; far older.
Height: Middling - 5'6" - 168cm
Build: Trim
Hair: Dark brown
Complexion: Tanned
Eyes: Red, feline.

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The rakshasi typically assumes the form of a sensual, dusky-skinned humanoid woman with rich brown hair and strange feline eyes. She favors striking silks and golden jewelry whenever possible, and seems to enjoy a decadent way of living.

Her true form is another matter. While her features are still pleasing, she sports feline ears, fangs, and a short coat of fur that varies between a tawny orange and white.

Whatever shape she wears, the rakshasi moves with an easy grace.

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A rakshasi native to Vudra, the 531st layer of the Abyss, Atikaya serves the demon queen Nirti as a majordomo and administrator. She is often seen in Sigil and more recently in the Sinfarian Archipelago, where she attends to matters that advance the interests of her dark patron.

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Atikaya is a supporting character tied to a particular location. If she's about in public, it's probably for a specific reason.

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Tell-friendly. Don't abuse it.

Atikaya isn't really available for SRP. Sorry.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human