
Race: Goblin
Sex: Female (100%)
Height: 3'11"
Bust: Upper end of B-cup

Bio: Ulmi is a curious little goblin, having decided to give civil city life a try instead of what she was used to with goblin tribes. She is trying to learn new things, though she gets easily confused and can be overly trusting in some circumstances to cityfolk. Who knows what will come with time for the goblin.


Reds: Scat, Underage anything, server rules

Yellows: Males (It really all depends on the RP desired and approach, really)

Greens/Whites: So many to list, I'm open to most things, dark themes is a thrill of mine, and I'm open to nearly anything within such bounds, if unsure, shoot me a tell.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling