Cairbre ua hArrachtain

A tall man who has stumbled here with his Spelljammer and crew, Cairbre ua hArrachtain looks to be in his 40s (though of course, with magic it can be hard to tell). He dresses casually, not attempting to draw any attention to himself, seemingly unarmed, though some of the items he wears could be detected as magical.

He has a tattoo on his left arm, seemingly a symbol of some deity, though one that would be impossible to recognize. His accent is also unplaceable, and his native tongue cannot be understood without magical aid - although, conveniently, he does speak basic.

A new arrival who came here quite accidentally and now has no idea where to take his ship and crew next, Cairbre is looking for work for him and his Spelljammer.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human