Leon Coppernyx

LIGHTS: Will play with anyone, open for ERP and more, basically just here for a good time. With that said,  here's where I draw the line: no scat, pedo, anything against server rules, males on ERP, and bigots.. Anything more specific just ask me and we'll see where it goes.

Also, if I am crossing any lines or if you feel uncomfortable with my style of playing in any way, please just say so and I'll back away from interacting with you, no questions asked.  So without further ado, let's enjoy some roleplay :)


You see what seems to be a bashful young human man with a bright smile and sunny disposition, a pearly white jovial grin and sparkly blue eyes. His smoothly dark, tanned skin show he's a stranger to be more "europeanesque" white complexion of most fantasy worlds, but in Sinfar, he's far from being the most exotic being around.

His raised chin and confident demeanor makes him seem a bit cocky and full of himself, but also easy going and laid-back. His wide grin constantly seems to attempt to lower the guard of anyone who approach him, ever warm and friendly to everyone.

On his left wrist, an old tattoo of a mercenary company of old fades to a greenish tone, but to anyone who'd know would show this man has some military experience, despite his carefree attitude. His clothes always neatly fitting his athlethic frame, showing that he does care quite  alot about his appearance.

Every now and then, with one looks close enough, his real nature shows itself. On will, his teeth can slowly turn to small fangs, his skin turns scaley and glistens reflecting the light, and his pupis shift vertically as a reptile. Even a bit of smoke can be seen fuming out of his nostrils whenever he seems particularly angry. (sub-race: half-dragon )
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human