Issana Luwellen

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This young woman appears to be a human in her early 20's.  She stands at 5'5" with dark hair and unusual blue-green eyes.

In her world she was active and athletic.  She played several sports, sang in choir and was an active member in the drama club.  With only a few months to graduation with her BA in music, her future was bright.

She is one of those who tend to fall asleep easily and deeply with vivid dreams.   One of those nights where her dreams were especially vivid, she suddenly woke up totally disoriented, not knowing where she was.

The feeing didn't fade away as she recognized her seroundings, because, well she didn't.  

She found herself in an Inn in Saban...

Her clothes were strange, the accents were strange, the people she saw... were shocking.

She felt the Dream, but... she could summon none of it.  Two thoughts cross her mind.  "What rabbit hole did I fall down" and "I'm sure not in Kansas anymore."

The first person she met told her she needed to learn how to defend herself, learn how to use weapons.  Well, a Lacross stick is close to a club and she was a good archer though she'd never fired anything more than a field point...

** More to come  **
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human