
Portrait Save
{Name}: Alys
{Race}: Appears Elven.
{Height}: 5'1"
{Build}: Elven, Callipygian.
{Scent}: Warm spice, peach.
{Native Plane}: Kirthalis, Throne of Hyr

{Contents}: -

I. Character Description -  What you see before you.
II. Something Wicked - This way comes.
III. Other Fluff - More detail for divination.
III. Lights - For those who like their ears pointy and their butts thicc.

{I. Character Description}: -

Hailing from the Plane of Kirthalis, this elf looks less waif-like than most of her ilk from other worlds - like the Wild Elves of Faerûn she seems to have a little less grace, and a little more substance. Blonde hair is pulled back into a casual ponytail, styled with the odd braid and most often adorned with feather decorations, it spills about her shoulders in wavy tresses.
Her face is pleasantly symmetrical, with the high angular cheekbones and slightly almond shaped eyes that make a face uniquely elven; this is accentuated by soft, full lips and a cute nose.
As life leaves its mark on history, it often does the body in turn - her left cheek is marred by a scar, that curves up towards her eye, a septum piercing adorns her nose with a slender golden ring. She'll often wear a number of additonal piercings in her ears, as the mood strikes her.
Her body is fit and healthy looking, with a pleasantly toned stomach contrasting the subtle swell of breasts above, and the hourglass curve of her hips that grant her a decidedly gorgeous backside. This thick bubble the engine for a pair of long, tapering legs. Thighs being soft, and firm beneath the touch, and calf muscles having a decidedly worked shape - suggesting this woman keeps a reasonably active lifestyle.
About her legs clasped just above the ankles are a pair of burnished, almost decorative looking bands of metal, that seem to have been locked firmly in place. On their surface, yet more runes twist across it's surface; though this variant of orcish seems oddly refined. Some might say civilized, for orcish that is.
Finally, at the base of her back is inked a reasonably well-drawn, but decidedly crudely themed tattoo. 'Love Slave' is printed in the back-drop of a deep-red rose, the base of which sits upon a nest of thorny vines.

{II. Something Wicked}: -

{Race}: Succubus
{Height}: 5'9"
{Build}: Delectable
{Native Plane}: The Infinite Layers of The Abyss

Whether by your own eyes, or the penetrative truth of true sight, your eyes fall upon this wicked creature. Her malign eyes are alight with an envy-green glow that stands out starkly from otherwise veiled eyes of inky black. Her hair is pulled up into an elegant bun, with styled coils that sway and bounce with any expressive motions of her head. Not to be forgotten, a pair of curling horns rise from her head, sweeping back from where they rise from her head to frame the elegant points of once-elven ears. Ruby red lips are often curled into some sardonic smile, as her attention strays to you with what may be either boredom or contempt. At worst; both.
Her curvaceous form is adorned with the fullness of her elven frame, yet hips seem wider, her bosom fuller. Her stomach tighter, and defined by abdominal muscle. This seems almost in contrast to those motherly hips, and the rounded bubble of her backside - which seems to possess a bouncing layer of fat to grant a doughy softness over that taut demonic muscle... simply to tempt the tactile grip of a wayward palm.
Wings erupt from her shoulder-blades in a shape that seems more aesthetic than sensible; yet all the same spread out to allow her supernatural flight as chaos bends, and twists the rules one further point from what seems reasonable. A curling, coiling tail snaps and squirms as it chases the sway of her hips with each swaying step.
Long legs are often contained in boots which hug around shapely thighs, and frame those delectable pins as they saunter the demoness along on pointed heels.
Wrapped snugly around this demonic beauty's graceful neck, is a collar adorned with glittering white gems. It's seemingly leather construction both magical and  bindingly powerful. The seems no clasp, or lock that can remove it.

{III. Other Fluff}: -

Racial Quirk: In addition to excellent hearing and keen sight Aerisian Elves also have a famously accute sense of smell and are sensative to scents and aromas as if having the Scent(Ex) trait.
Non-Detection: Scrying Attempts that attempt to find Alys, and any object or person within 10ft of her automatically fail. Through roleplay this effect has been made permanent. (Wish or Miracle effects always penetrate this effect.

{IV. Lights}: -

- I consider lights to be for ERP only.

Reds: Poop, Heavy Gore, Vore, Infantilism and anything involving something which seems child-like, OOC ERP Requests.

Portrait Art: ZED
Player:Elf Indulgent
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human